As a citizen of any country, you are required to submit yourself to the court of law when demanded. If you are insured and mistakenly hit someone, your car insurance company will step in to handle the claims made by the person you hit. Depending on the person and situation, he can still sue you if he wants and this can make you to appear in court. You can still do the opposite if it happens to you.
About admin
My name is Kingsley Chukwuma and your web tutor, car insurance expert adviser and webmaster. Am so happy to assist you make a perfect plan and decision in buying auto insurance and I do hope you will find the content of this site extremely helpful in making your decision about buying car insurance.
Let me quickly state my educational qualifications. Am a Bachelor’s Degree holder in Economics and also a Master of Business Administration. I have attended many seminars and delivered papers on car insurance. in addition, I have also written articles and have worked as an expert in the field. To learn more about me, visit About page.
Thank you for your time and enjoy the content of this site.