Subrogation meaning


Subrogation definition


Subrogation mainly happens when your car insurance company charge back other insurance companies or the person you had an accident with. Let take an example, you are travelling and was involved in a car accident which was not your fault. You file for a claim which your car insurance paid. Later, your vehicle insurance company noticed that the car accident you are involved in is not your fault and they person you had the accident with also have car insurance coverage. Your car insurance company then approach the car owner you’re involved in accident with for reimbursement. That is called subrogation. The reverse can also happen when the accident was your fault.  If the accident is partially your fault, you will pay a portion of the claim. I will write a full article on subrogation and its clause to clearly explain how it works so check for it in the article section. I do hope this gives you idea of what subrogation is.


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My name is Kingsley Chukwuma and your web tutor, car insurance expert adviser and webmaster. Am so happy to assist you make a perfect plan and decision in buying auto insurance and I do hope you will find the content of this site extremely helpful in making your decision about buying car insurance. Let me quickly state my educational qualifications. Am a Bachelor’s Degree holder in Economics and also a Master of Business Administration. I have attended many seminars and delivered papers on car insurance. in addition, I have also written articles and have worked as an expert in the field. To learn more about me, visit About page. Thank you for your time and enjoy the content of this site.
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